11 Women of Spirit at Salon Zürcher & Karstic-Action

11 Women of Spirit at Salon Zürcher & Karstic-Action
1- Kingston, NY. Cardinal (2020) 29.5 x 38.5 
2-Kingston, NY. Jaune d’Oeuf (2020) 29.5 x 38.5

I am very much looking forward to 11 Women of Spirit, a mini-art fair at Zürcher Gallery, 11 female artists representing themselves in the space. I will be showing recent Karstic-Action paintings.
Opening Reception: Monday, March 2, 6 – 8 PM
Closing Reception: Sunday, March 8, 5-7 PM
Open to the Public:
 Tuesday, March 3- Saturday, March 7: 12-8pm
Sunday, March 8: 12 – 7pm 
33 Bleecker Street, New-York, NY.



Below, the video documentation & above, two paintings of our latest Karstic-Action at The Lace Mill in Kingston N.Y. Together with Michael Bisio (bass), Patrick Higgings (guitar & electronics), Pierre Joris (poetry), we wove, carved, painted, played, occupied, sung, worded , danced a 50-minute improvised action. 

Voilà! I am looking forward to see you in March and together let’s Persist Resist & Care and keep our spirits up !

Bisio/Joris/Peyrafitte Kingston Trialogues

Bisio/Joris/Peyrafitte Kingston Trialogues


Trialogues are improvised collaborative exchanges inside a set time limit between 3 protagonists unconditionally dedicated to their chosen mode of expression: Joris to his nomadic poetry in its wandering, rhizomatic explorations; Peyrafitte to her nourishing, sensual, campy and scintillating multi-layered vocal range & texts & live painting; Bisio to the extraordinary tonal beauty and intensity of the very personal musical language of his double bass. This ongoing collaboration started in 2009 & was featured at the Vision Festival XV.

The Lace Mill, 165 Cornell St, Kingston, NY 12401


The Writing of Carolee Schneemann at The Poetry Project NYC

The Writing of Carolee Schneemann at The Poetry Project NYC

Join us at The Poetry Project, Thursday, October 10 | 8 PM for a celebration of her writing!
With readings by Zohra Atash, Lilah Dougherty, Judy Hussie-TaylorPierre JorisDavid Levi-Strauss, Meredith Monk, Nicole PeyrafitteGeorge QuashaJerome Rothenberg, Cecilia VicuñaAnne Waldman.

Carolee Schneemann was a writer and artist of intimacy — bloody, feline, mortal, ancient, and tender. Her understanding of intimacy or union included the weaving of written and uttered language, movement and gesture, and the visual register of images throughout her art-making practice. And it also extended to the way she lived, in close friendship with many poets, forming community with fellow writers, artists, and makers across a number of scenes, circles, disciplines, challenging and inspiring and turning on her friends and collaborators. In a 1975 letter Carolee Schneemann wrote to a male friend attempting to explain gender and art to her, “I BELONG TO NATURE NOT TO THESE ARTIFACTS YOU CHOOSE. I AM ELECTRICAL VULVIC BOLT IN TIME.” 

Her work — simultaneously provocative, unsettling, defiant, romantic, and magnetic — has often been critically understood through sensuality and the body. While this uncompromising embodiment is crucial, in her writing we find guiding notes and framing toward a more expansive engagement with her project, always moving towards the reckoning pleasure of liberation. The writing, like her work across other mediums, is always intense, precise, rigorous, with her psychic and political senses attuned through her vision to a guiltless, boundless freedom. 



The Poetry Project
St. Mark’s Church | 131 E. 10th Street
New York, NY 10003
P: 212.674.0910 | F: 212.529.2318
www.poetryproject.org | info@poetryproject.org

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