February 28, 2024 event at the Poetry Project, NYC .
On 02/28/2024 Pierre & I had a wonderful time presenting Domopoetics: Karstic Action/Works at The Poetry Project. We weaved & braided our individual & shared travails. Domopoetics is the name we give to 34 years of daily practices in transforming & intertwining our lives & works, be it through writing, painting, video, physical conditioning, cooking & all other shared household activities. Karstic refers to the geological phenomena of dissolution & transformation at work in the formation of superficial or underground limestone topographies. Here it is taken literally & figuratively as nature & cave explorations are an important part of our process.
Featuring a guest introduction by Urayoán Noel —who was a tough act to follow. This is the best intro we could have had! Thank you dear Ura!
Thank you Keir GoGwilt for your inspiring & soulful improvised music.
Thank you all for coming, we were overwhelmed by the crowed room filled with a great mix of old & younger friends.
If you missed it below is the Livestream of the event:
Thank you: Miles Joris-Peyrafitte, SiuLi & Chris GoGwilt for the photos.
André Simoncini is pleased to present a second edition/installment of Nicole Peyrafitte & Pierre Joris’s Domopoetic creations. After more than three decades of shared life, the couple now gathers & installs their most recent KARSTIC ACTION/WORKS on the three levels of the gallery
André Simoncini est heureux de présenter une deuxième édition des créations domopoétiques de Nicole Peyrafitte & Pierre Joris. En ménage depuis plus de trente années, le couple emménage & aménage leurs ACTIONS/TRAVAUX KARSTIQUES.
1- Kingston, NY. Cardinal (2020) 29.5 x 38.5 2-Kingston, NY. Jaune d’Oeuf (2020) 29.5 x 38.5
I am very much looking forward to 11 Women of Spirit, a mini-art fair at Zürcher Gallery, 11 female artists representing themselves in the space. I will be showing recent Karstic-Action paintings. Opening Reception: Monday, March 2, 6 – 8 PM Closing Reception: Sunday, March 8, 5-7 PM Open to the Public:
Tuesday, March 3- Saturday, March 7: 12-8pm
Sunday, March 8: 12 – 7pm Galeriezurcher.com 33 Bleecker Street, New-York, NY.
Below, the video documentation & above, two paintings of our latest Karstic-Action at The Lace Mill in Kingston N.Y. Together with Michael Bisio (bass), Patrick Higgings (guitar & electronics), Pierre Joris (poetry), we wove, carved, painted, played, occupied, sung, worded , danced a 50-minute improvised action.
Voilà! I am looking forward to see you in March and together let’s Persist Resist & Care and keep our spirits up !