Ceremony & performance by Serge Pey, Chiara Mulas, Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte
Cave Poésie Toulouse

Ceremony & performance by Serge Pey, Chiara Mulas, Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte
International performance artists
Events curated by Nicole Peyrafitte & Pierre Joris
Two performances only
Thursday October 16th 7:00 PM (sharp)
at Emily Harvey Gallery
facebook event
537 Broadway #2, New York, NY 10012
(donation suggested)
Sunday October 19th 3PM
at RSVP #3 Salon Series
facebook event
Interview & Reading
Home of Pierre Joris &Nicole Peyrafitte
(Must RSVP – limited space on first come first serve basis- details provided w/ RSVP )
Chiara Mulas: born 1972 in Gavoi, Sardinia. A graduate of Bologna’s Academy of Fine Arts, she lives and works between France and Sardinia. In her multi-media work, Mulas uses a range of approaches: tableaux vivants, videos, photography, and live actions that create distinctive bonds between areas of, among others, social protest and ancestral myths. At the crossroads of cinéma vérité & fiction, the oneiric dimensions of Mulas’ work relate to societal tragedies. Her work has been shown & performed across three continents (Quebec, China, Japan, United States, Lebanon, Morocco, Serbia, Israel, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, France).
Chiara Mulas : http://chiaramulas.fr
Serge Pey was born in Toulouse in 1950. A nomadic traveler & performance artist, he is also the author of some 40 books & has founded & directed several publishing ventures, such as TRIBU which published among others, Allen Ginsberg, Ernesto Cardinal, Pham Cong Thien, Bernat Manciet & Rafaêl Alberti. He currently directs the CIAM at the University of Toulouse-Mirail were he also teaches Poesie Action. Pey crosses the traditional boundaries between art, shamanism & theoretical thinking in his combining sound poetry, scansions, sticks & other material instruments, installations, happenings & agitprop. His is a truly ethnopoetic practice, to use the term coined by Jerome Rothenberg, a poet Pey is close to. His unique articulation of writing & sound explores the phenomena of ritual language in the oral practice of the poem. He has lived & travelled extensively in the Americas absorbing its culture & history, in a truly Artaudian quest for a visionary art.
more info: http://sergepey.fr