Party Time Healthy Delicacies —part 1 (Fr-Eng)

Party Time Healthy Delicacies —part 1 (Fr-Eng)

IMG_7281Série: Recettes pour Jean & Renée Peyrafitte —English below—

Un délicieux menu pour votre prochaine cocktail party —sans sucre, pauvre en glucides, un bon équilibre de protéines, de verdure, de cru et de cuit — Essayez pour les Oscars peut être! Aujourd’hui les deux premières recettes:

Cocktail de Crevettes avec Salsa de Tomate & Avocat
Oeufs Mimosa avec Tofunaise maison
Endives avec Poires, Stilton, Célerie et Noix
Patates douces rôties
Blancs de Poulet Marinés Grillés
Cheese Cake Crémeux et Confiture de Chia aux Baies

A delicious menu for your next party — no added sugar, low glycemic, a good balance of proteins, greens, raw & cooked food— Try it for the Oscars! Today two recipes:

Shrimp Cocktail w/ Avocado Salsa
Deviled Eggs  w/ Home made Tofunaise
Belgian Endive  w/ Pears, Stilton, Celery, Walnuts Baked
Japanese Yam Fries

Grilles Marinated Chicken Tenders
Creamy Nut Crusted Cheese Cake w/Berries Chia seeds Jam


Cocktail de Crevettes avec Salsa Tomate & Avocat -Cuire 500 gr (pour 3/4 personnes) de crevettes non pelées dans un court bouillon. Pour le court bouillon faire frémir l’eau avec de l’oignon, du citron, du sel de céleri, une feuille de laurier, du thym, du persil…etc, après 5 minutes de cuisson égoutter et les laisser refroidir. -Salsa: 1 grosse tomate, 1 avocat— bien mûrs, 1/2 oignon doux, coupés en petits dés. 1 bonne poignée de coriandre fraîche ou de persil haché, 1  jus de citron vert, 1 ou 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive vierge, quelques gouttes de sauce piquante, sel et poivre.

Shrimp Cocktail w/ Avocado Salsa (3/4 people) 1 lb of unpeeled medium size raw shrimp. Cook them 5 minutes in a court bouillon. For a quick court bouillon add onion, lemon, OldBay-seasoning , bay leaf, thyme, parsley … etc to water. Bring it all to a gentle boil & cook shrimp no more that 5 minutes. Then drain and let cool. Salsa: 1 large tomato, 1/2 sweet onion, 1 avocado, diced. 1 bunch of coriander or parsley; juice of 1 lime, 1 to 3 spoon full of virgin olive oil, hot sauce, salt & pepper.


Oeufs Mimosa avec Tofunaise maison
Cuire les oeufs dur. Les laisser refroidir. Pendant ce temps préparer la “Tofunnaise”, qui n’est qu’autre qu’une mayonnaise au tofu mais plus digeste, moins grasse et — je vous le garantis! — meilleure que n’importe quelle mayonnaise achetée.
-1 livre de tofu soyeux, 2 gousses d’ail, un peu d’huile d’olive, sel, piment d’Espelette, mettre le tout dans le mixer. Peler les oeufs. Ecraser les jaunes et en garder une cuillère à soupe pour décorer. Mélanger les jaunes écrasés à la tofunnaise et remplir les oeufs avec une cuillère ou avec une poche à douille. Décorer avec jaune et paprika.

Deviled Eggs  w/ Home made Tofunaise
Cook hard boiled eggs. Cool. Meanwhile prepare the Tofunnaise. This tofu mayonnaise is more digestible, less oily and will taste better than any store bought mayonnaise.
-1 lb silk tofu, 2 cloves of garlic, a little olive oil, salt, Melinda hot sauce — into the blender & mix thoroughly. Peel the eggs. Mash the yolks and keep a tablespoon for garnish. Mix the mashed egg yolks with the tofunnaise and fill the eggs with a spoon or a pastry bag. Garnish with paprika and the saved yolk.



Salade Ovalie (Fr-Eng)

Salade Ovalie (Fr-Eng)

salade saveurSérie: Recettes pour Jean & Renée Peyrafitte —English below—

Le magret c’est léger! — surtout si on enlève la graisse après sa cuisson. Voilà une belle salade pour regarder la deuxième mi-temps du match de rugby (France-Angleterre)—que j’avais oublié mais que ma copine Ariane m’a rappelé. Qui dit rugby pense Sud-Ouest; qui dit Sud-Ouest pense magret et qui pense magret à New York pense d’Artagnan — soit Ariane Daguin! Donc dans cette logique —et avec une grosse faim— je me suis retrouvée à la mi-temps devant le frigo et voilà le résultat:

Verdure mélangée —ici romaine et laitue
noix et graines grillées —courge, tournesol, lin, sesame
assaisonnement simple : huile de noix, vinaigre de cidre,  sel et poivre
pomme verte
tranches de magret froid —dégraissé (restes du repas de mercredi)
échalotes et persil frais

Magret  (or duck breast) is a lean —once you remove its thick skin after cooking—  flavorful meat. Above is the beautiful salad I made for Pierre & me to watch the second half of yesterday’s rugby game (France 26-England 24). I had forgotten about the game until my friend Ariane reminded me. My culture rhymes with rugby, rugby rhymes with magret & in the USA magret rhymes with  d’Artagnan — owner Ariane Daguin! So, following this logic I found myself at half time, starved, running to the fridge & quickly put together this (truly marvelous) salad:

Mixed greens —here romaine & lettuce
walnuts & mixed roasted seeds —pumpkin, sunflower, flax, sesame
sliced green apple
cold cut of cooked magret — left overs from wednesday dinner
sliced shallots
simple dressing: walnut oil, apple cider vinegar, salt & pepper

More on magret here

Chia Seeds Pudding (Fr/Eng)

Chia Seeds Pudding (Fr/Eng)

(Video in French – Recipe in english below)

Dans la série “recettes pour mes parents,” aujourd’hui: Le pudding au Tofu Soyeux aux graines de Chia.
C’est encore une recette très rapide (environ 8 minutes), ne requiert aucune cuisson, n’a ni produit laitier, ni sucre ajouté et est très pauvre en glucide.
J’utilise les graines de chia depuis peu. Ces graines magiques étaient cultivées par les Aztèques avant Christophe Colomb. Elles avaient presque disparues, car leur utilisation religieuse aurait poussé les conquistadors espagnols à s’en prendre à cette culture. Elles sont très riches en fibres, ont une forte teneur en acide alpha-linolénique (du groupe oméga-3),  en antioxydants, en protéines et sont pauvres en glucides.
Les graines de chia sont onéreuses, mais heureusement très avantageuses.


Tofu Soyeux – 450 gr
Chair ou pulpe de Noix de Coco   -2 grosses cuillères à soupe
Noix de Cajou – 1 poignée
Le zeste d’un citron rapé
Graines de Chia – 1 C à soupe
Stevia – selon le goût mais: attention! deviens amer si on en met trop
Vanille- 1/2 gousse
Cannelle -selon le goût

In the series “recipes for my parents,” today :  Chia Seeds & Tofu Pudding.
This is a very quick recipe (took me about 8 minutes) & it doesn’t require any cooking, no dairy, no added sugar et very low carbohydrate.
I started using chia seeds recently. These magic seeds were cultivated by the Aztec in pre-Columbian times. They almost got eradicated, as their religious use would have enticed the conquistadors to ban them.
Their nutritional benefits include fiber, omega fatty acids (omega-3), calcium, antioxidants, protein & they are low glycemic.
They are a bit expensive — though they do expand in volume.


Silken Tofu – 1lb
Coconut Mana 3 generous tablespoons —or to taste
Cashew nuts – 1/2 cup
One lemon grated
Chia Seeds – 1 Tablespoon
Stevia to taste
Vanilla-  1/2 bean scraped
Cinnamon to taste



Our Inauguration LG Extravaganzas

Our Inauguration LG Extravaganzas


Celebrating the second inauguration of our 44th President, Barack Obama, requires some festive foods. Our menu might not be as lavish as the Inaugural Luncheon but I am not about to loose focus from our low glycemic diet.


No, we didn’t start the day with dessert, as the heading picture might suggest, but by a healthy juice inspired by Dr. Ali’s breakfast protocole. Juicing is now part of our daily routine & due to a low glycemic diet I rarely include fruits; but today being a festive day I included a red grapefruit —25 on GI scale when banana scores 45 & watermelon 76— accompanied by bok choy, celery, parsley, fresh turmeric & ginger roots, dandelions. And after our 5K walk the Tasty Pearl Barley Pabulum hit the spot:


1 cup of cooked barley
1/4 green apple
cinnamon, roasted pumpkin seeds
moisten with home made almond milk.
Almond Milk:
Don’t get put off by homemade almond milk, it is actually quite simple & will serve two purpose here. To make the milk, soak 1/2 lb of organic almond in filtered water overnight. In the morning pour out the water, rinse almonds until the water runs clear. Add 1 quart of filtered water to the almond then process one ladle full of almonds & water at a time into the top of the juicer —I use a Vert VRT350 Juice & I am pretty happy with it. Reserve in bottle and save in the fridge. I do save  the meal that comes out on the other side. I dry it and use for many other recipe.

Inaugural Dunch


Garlic Roasted Turkey Breast with Organic NYS Red Merlot Beans

Preheat the oven to 320°.  Grate 2 cloves of garlic, add olive oil, salt & pepper. Rub this paste thoroughly all over the turkey breast. Put a ramequin of water into the oven; it will keep the meat moist. Roast the turkey breast in the oven until thermometer reaches 160°.

To mirror the many New York State items on the Inaugural Luncheon I cooked NYS Red Merlot beans —available at the Park Slope foodcoop. These wonderful beans have a thin skin, are creamy though stay firm throughout. 

1/2 lb of  Org. NYS Merlot beans (or other red bean) soaked over night, then brought to a  boil in fresh water once and let sit for one hour before using in stew (for some reason I think it makes them more digestible).

1 onion finely chopped, goldened in the pan with olive oil
2 ribs celery
Lightly toast pumpkin & cumin seeds in a cast iron pan, then grind in a coffee grinder — I have one that I use only for spices —& add to the beans .

Add 1 seeded jalapeño pepper & 2 cloves of chopped garlic
Salt & Pepper
Bring to a gentle boil, turn it down & let simmer for 2/3 hours.

Lemon Cheesecake Mousse with Coconut Almond cookies

The cookies are essentiel to make this tart, festive, deconstructed Low Glycemic cheesecake work.
The custard:
Ben’s Cream cheese
Warm the juice of 2 lemon (Meyer if possible) in a pan
add 1/2 packet plain gelatine
Stevia to taste
Blend cream cheese,  juice w/ melted gelatin/ stevia

The cookies:
1 1/2 cup of almond meal —saved form several batches of making almond milk
1/4 cup virgin coconut oil
Stevia to taste.
Mix, make the paste in a roll. Cut & bake  at 300° for about 25 minutes .


 Supper Time:

And while watching —& dancing to— the Presidential Inauguration Ball, we had Pierre’s delicious Belgium endive salad with Humbolt Fog goat creamy cheese & walnuts, dressed with a light mustard & olive oil vinaigrette.  And to finish on a sweet note we had a small serving of goat cheese yogurt with fresh ginger, walnut, stevia & a few blueberries. Now, if we did our calculation right it looks like our glycemic load for the day is about 52 —under 55 considered low. But please correct me if I am wrong, I am still in training!
