Voilà! Live Cooking Videos – While confined

Voilà!  Live Cooking Videos – While confined

Friday April 24th was the finale our Live Cooking Videos—while confined. 
First and foremost THANK YOU to all the viewers, & a very special thank you to all the regulars from literally all around the globe. During these 24 daily livecast rendez-vous, you provided sustained warm & joyful support which gave me a some sense of purpose in these trying times while we are all confined, waiting for the virus to pass.
By now, sadly most of us know someone who has succumbed to the coronavirus, and we are also all watching — or no longer watching in order to stay sane — the ineffective & disgusting political debacle. Even if most of us are safely at home, and in a somehow privileged situation — I sure feel mine is that — we still all go through the emotional roller coaster, so if the show helped make your ride smoother, I am super happy. You need to know that it sure eased mine tremendously, so gratitude to you all for watching & cheering! I really know that I also learned a lot from the whole process.
Do not hesitate to reach out via messenger at any point if you have cooking questions of just want to keep in touch; I would love that!
Meanwhile, stay healthy, take great great care & eat the best you can.
Much much love from the two of us.

P.S: The videos of all 24 videos from the last to the first below & they all have notes & links with useful information. Below the videos more cooking background info.

What do we eat/cook & why?
A few years back for serious health reasons we switched to healthier, low glycemic foods & adopted the 16/8 intermittent fasting method that involves eating only during an 8-hour window & fasting for the remaining 16 hours. So we eat a variety of foods but avoid pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar, processed flour & we favor veggies, legumes, eggs, healthy whole grains, & responsibly raised meat, poultry, & seafood, some fruits…Well, you get the idea & you will discover the details in the videos below. We will keep adding them as we go. Never hesitate to ask questions or request foods recipes you would like to see demonstrated or talked about.

Voilà! Bon Appétit, stay home & healthy!

01 — Today homemade Soup & Granola
02 — Shrimp Saffron Cream sauce with Swiss Chards
03 — Falafel, Hummus, Coleslaw all from scratch all super healthy!

04 — Omelet
05 — Veggie Soup, Dairy free delicious dessert, 

06 — Bacalao and Ayacotl.
07 — Nested Eggs & Baked Apples
08 — Grated carrots & Kimchee Miso soup & left over of Bacalao & Ayacotl (White beans salad) 

09 — Poached Eggs & Beet salad w/ Goat cheese & Walnuts.
10 — Sardines Tartine + Quinoa patties
11 — Quick Lentil stew, Soup made with left-overs, Lamb tacos with homemade tortillas.
12 — Choux-Fleur Bechamel
13 — Our Anniversary Lunch, with Poulet confit & a scrumptious Sabayon!

14 — Œufs cocotte & Bok Choy & Poetry(2 videos)
15 — Monk Fish Curry & Manoomin (real wild rice)
16 — Croque Saumon, more Coleslaw, poached Pears. (2 videos)
17 — Oeuf Mimosa /Deviled Eggs and more

18 — Tofu Joyeux but firm! More Wild Rice & Elegant Orange Salad.
19 — Sweet & Savory Crêpes (2 videos)


20 — Chocolate dairy/sugar free dessert. Baked sweet Potatoes another Coleslaw & Oeufs aux plat.21 — Homemade Sausage from scratch )  & Soldier  Beans
22 — Œufs brouillés with Morels & Ramps for Earth day & quick made Oat Milk for an impro dessert. https://www.facebook.com/632389305/videos/10158419216689306/

23 — The Ancient Grain of the day is: Purple Barley.
24 — Season finale! Gromperen Pla à la LuxoGascoRicaine & Healthy Apple Fritters.

“Voilà Lunchtime” were daily live-casted on FB & IG from March 24 -April 24 2020 M-F 12:00 EST


A little background:

Once upon a time I was a cook! I never liked the term chef, though I did run kitchens & was called one! I never really missed the restaurant business, but never stopped cooking. In the early years of this blog I posted more recipes & articles on food, I taught cooking & went as far as taping a demo cooking show, and filming several recipes.  My aim has always been to empower people in the kitchen, not to impress them. I appreciate sophisticated techniques & truly enjoys highly skilled chefs but I was never into that kind of cooking.  My background is in French regional Southwestern food but I have been in the US since 1987 and learned so much about food here. Getting together with Pierre Joris (here producer/dishwasher/husband) in 1989 was crucial for my artistic future but also for my cooking experience: it is through Pierre that I met Diane Rothenberg & Margie Byrd who are my mentors in many ways. Both are great cooks and had open tables for many years. Diane, an anthropologist, tremendously expanded my perspectives on the history of food; Margie taught me many American staples — the best corn bread ever! & then there is my childhood friend Ariane Daguin from d’Artagnan who is an inspiration has been incredibly supportive of my food related performance work. She was an early supporter of La Garbure Transcontinentale/The Bi-Continental Chowder, a performance that included texts, videos, cooking and sharing the result with the audience. Pierre & I went on doing more of these performance & a memorable one was at the Jardin des Cinq Sens et des Formes Premières in Provence; this performance included the making of a Primordial Soup, readings, vidéos, music by Denis Brun and a Karstic-Action Painting. Here are some pix.

But my cooking debut were really early! I was born in Luchon (French Pyrenees) into the 5th generation of a family of hoteliers-restaurateurs (Hotel Poste et Golf) & my very early cooking training started when I was 6 years old with my grand-father chef Joseph Peyrafitte (whose father Louis was also a chef). Later, when I took over the family kitchen, I went to intern at award winning restaurants in France –1982: Restaurant Vanel, Toulouse, 1991: Hotel de France, Auch. Both places had 2 stars at the Michelin Guide  — then I got a few awards myself!

Anyway! forwarding to today: like everyone else we are trying to make the best of this imposed confinement & I always find solace in cooking & eating well.  So Pierre & I decided to share the prepping of our simple & healthy home cooking live. We are live both on Facebook & Instagram Monday-Friday from 12 to 12:30 —sometimes a bit longer.  Sharing & live-casting our cooking is really in line with our Domopoetic* practice.

* Domopoetics is our collaborative attempt to think, feel & make us respons/able to this/our world & it responsive to us. We do this via our private lives & public actions & performances that meander dialogically between Nicole Peyrafitte’s drawings & videos, voice-, textual & cooking work & Pierre Joris’ poems, translations & essayistic thinking.


Sitting next to a chaud-froid de volaille at the hotel Kitchen
Hotel Poste & Golf Bagnères-de-Luchon (here circa 1965)
My grand-pa Chef Joseph Peyrafitte
San-Diego 1990 : Nicole, Pierre Franey, Ariane Daguin
Award 1981
Award 1982

2 0 1 9 !

2 0 1 9 !


We started the year “en fanfare” with a short installment of a new Domopoetic-Karstic-Action, “Two, Zero, One, Nine: a line, a cave, a hand, a song” at the 45th Annual New Year’s Day Marathon Benefit Reading for The Poetry Project. You can watch the live video above. Thank you, Miles Joris-Peyrafitte for the phone-video-capture.
Below, some news about upcoming events & publications. We are looking forward to see you in 2019 — keep in touch!
Nicole & Pierre


Tuesday January 22  6:00PM
Washington, D.C
Pierre & Nicole w/ Charles Bernstein and other poets.
A Night With American Poets Against US Sanctions on Iran on the night of the State of the Union
Busboys And Poets
2021 14th St NW, Washington, District of Columbia, 20009
View Map
Saturday February 9  1:30PM
Albany N.Y
Nicole feature poet
Know Reading
The Excelsior Pub
54 Philip St, Albany, NY 12207, USA
April 4-7  
Austin, Tx
Pierre & Nicole at the Austin International Poetry Festival 
April 18-21
New-Orleans, La
Pierre & Nicole translation panel & poetry readings at New Orleans Poetry Festival 


Revolution Goes Through Walls, by Safaa Fathy 
(SplitLevel Texts). Translated from the Arabic by Safaa Fathy and Pierre Joris; now long listed for the 2019  PEN Award for Poetry in TranslationPurchase
Adonis & Pierre Joris : Conversation in the Pyrenees  Contra Mundum Press, 2018 
with a Pyrenean Invocation by Nicole Peyrafitte
Méditations sur les Stations de Mansour al-Hallaj  Pierre Joris (translated into French by Habib Tengour; APIC Algiers)

N & P
Junction Box Issue 11
A very special edition, featuring a number of papers & documentation delivered at the Black Mountain College symposium, which took place in Crickhowell, Wales, over a weekend in May 2018.
We both participated and here are our contributions:
Pierre JorisOlson Now
Nicole Peyrafitte:  Basil King: Mirage (A Film) — A great opportunity to see the entire film if you haven’t yet —plus drawings from Carnets

LANDSC0PEÉditions Plaine Page, June 2018
U.S book release TBA / disponible chez votre libraire et/ou en vente ici
CARNET 2, an artist book by Redfoxpress, Ireland, August 2018.
available here  / en vente ici
Requiem for Gaza  available here
LiveMag #15  online
TESTE 32  

Forthcoming in 2019:
Meditations on the Stations of Mansur al-Hallaj (translated into Arabic by Safaa Fathy; Cairo)
Arabia (Not So) Deserta Essays on Maghrebi and Mashreqi Literary & Cultural Matters. (Spuyten Duyvil, New York)
Microliths : The Complete Posthumous Prose by Paul Celan (attem press).

Glasgow: Outsite-in/Inside-out Symposium

Glasgow: Outsite-in/Inside-out Symposium

Outside-In / Inside-OutJerome Rothenberg and John Bloomberg-Rissman

We are in Glasgow from October 4th-8th

Full schedule here: oi_io-schedule-25

Wednesday 5th October 2016

Barbaric Vast and Wild Launch

7.30pm @ Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA)

Readings and performances to celebrate the launch of Barbaric Vast & Wild: An Assemblage of Outside & Subterranean Poetry from Origins to Present edited by Jerome Rothenberg and John Bloomberg-Rissman.

Performers include: Jerome Rothenberg, John Bloomberg-Rissman, Nicole Peyrafitte, Pierre Joris, Diane Rothenberg, John Goodby, Holly Pester, Andrea Brady and Aonghas MacNeacail.


Thursday 6th October

Panel E: Language(s) of the Outside5th Floor Alwyn Williams 

Moderator: Dr Madeleine Campbell

9-9.15: Jeffrey Robinson – Romanticism and Outsider Poetics

9.15-9.30: Ellen Dillon – A poetry at the gates of existence: negotiating (with) the outside in the work of Peter Gizzi and Peter Manson

9.30-9.45: Colin Herd – Show-orations: The Sophists and Contemporary Poetry

9:45-10:  Nicole Peyrafitte and Pierre Joris – Occitan Poetry (presenting their translations of Bernat Manciet & Marcela Delpastre)

10-10:30:  Discussion


*OrgaGinal* Show in Luchon – France

*OrgaGinal* Show in Luchon – France

From June 1-30

*OrgaGinal* : intallations/show/performance

Organic /Organique
Deriving from all and any living matter and primarily characterizes a continuous development between encountered elements.
Vient de toute matière vivante et surtout caractérise un développement continue entre des éléments rencontrés.

Deriving from living tissues or from transformations undergone by the products of living organisms.
Qui provient de tissus vivants ou de transformations subies par les produits d’organismes vivants.

Concerning, producing, favoring organization while inherently belonging to this organization.
Qui concerne, produit, favorise l’organisation et est inherent à cette organisation.

A person whose fantasy is in some way organic” Jean Cocteau.
”Personne dont la fantaisie est en quelque sorte organique” Cocteau.

Deriving from something that exists since its origin.
Vient de quelque chose qui existe depuis son origine.

Raw, initial, native, primal, primitif.
Brut, initial, originaire, premier, primitif.

Which comes directly from its author and its source.
Qui émane directement de son auteur et de sa source.

Created for the purpose at hand.
Qui a été créé pour les besoins de la cause.

Behaving in a manner that belongs only to herself and that may appear eccentric, extravagant, particular, singular.
Qui se comporte d’une manière qui n’appartient qu’à elle et qui peut paraître excentrique, extravagante, particulière, singulière.

My “origin” lies, here (written June 2016) in Luchon — where I was born in 1960 and where I lived until 1982. I have been in the US since 1987. First in San Diego and now in Brooklyn. My work as a pluridisciplinary artist leads to much travel, and thus to very varied works: performances, drawings, paintings, texts, voice work, film & video, cooking… I am not attached to one specific form or genre, I use what I need.
Mon “origine” se trouve ici (écrit en juin 2016), à Luchon, —j’y suis née en 1960 et y ai vécu jusqu’en 1982. Je suis aux USA depuis 1987. D’abord à San-Diego et maintenant à Brooklyn. Mon travail d’artiste pluridisciplinaire me conduit à voyager, d’où des travaux très variés: performances, dessins, peintures, textes, travail de la voix, films, cuisine .… Je ne suis pas attachée à une forme particulière, j’utilise ce dont j’ai besoin.

*OrgaGinal* is the portmanteau word which defines my in/quest to communicate with the ancestral female unconscious, but also with everything that permits heuristic discovery. That is to say, the art to search for what one finds; thus this mantra that has been following me for quite some time and that is also the title of my next film: “Things fall where they lie.”
*OrgaGinal* est mon mot valise qui définit mon en/quête pour communiquer avec l’inconscient féminin ancestral, mais aussi avec tout ce qui permet une découverte heuristique. C’est-à-dire l’art de chercher ce qu’on trouve; d’où le mantra qui me suit depuis longtemps et qui est le titre de mon prochain film: “Les choses tombent où elle reposent.”

Event with the exibition: Concert avec/ with Connie Crothers

Article in La Dépêche

Burning Lamb & Bands : TreeFort 2016

Burning Lamb & Bands : TreeFort 2016

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Dear Boise,

Are you for real? Or will I find out one day I was dreaming? Many things have charmed me about you & just to name a few: the kindness of your people, the basques, who have a special place in my heart, your dry & mild winter, your mountains, your deserts, the variety & quality of your state grown food — & I am not talking of the potatoes —,  your foodcoop, your restaurants, your cleanliness…& now your Treefort Festival!?

I love you, Boise!


It’s spring break & I was looking forward to stay put here in Boise & catch up with my pile of to do’s. But the Treefort in in town! The five-day, indie rock festival started in 2012. Today the emphasis is still on the music with about 400 bands playing from Thursday through Sunday, while another full schedule of events organized in “Forts” happens simultaneously. I attended FilmFort, FoodFort & StoryFort. This is what Treefort says about itself & I witnessed it:

We see Treefort as a celebration what makes Boise great – whether it’s Boise’s local breweries, homegrown food, skatepark, lively downtown core or simply its strong spirit of collaboration and love of the outdoors. Boise has something for everyone, no matter their age, and we hope that Treefort is an example of that.
In 2015, Treefort was named the City of Boise’s Cultural Ambassador for being an event that genuinely reflects the energy across mediums that is happening in the Boise community and cultural scene, and for the vision of connecting Boise and its creatives with other communities around the region, the country and around the world. The Cultural Ambassador title runs through 2017.

Private venues take advantage of the Treefort momentum to organise events of their own. On Saturday afternoon, as I was heading to the Foodfort to taste some of the local chefs’ dishes, Basque friends tell me that whole lambs are being roasted outside The Modern Hotel. Not surprising, since the owner is Basque & her family owned a Basque boarding house accommodating shepherds in Nampa, ID. “The Modern” is one of Boise’s artsy cultural hubs where locals gather at the bar for cocktails & tasty morsels. I rushed to the Modern & there the scene was unreal. On both sides of Grove Street Band Dialogue III was rehearsing. This recurring event, led by Seth Olinsky, features a dozen bands with their respective instrumental kits lined up &  generating shifting walls of sound…& next to it a lamb was quietly being roasted, hand cranked by the helpers of the Ansotegui’s Family. Watch the video to get a sense of the scene & hear about the Ansotegui’s family history & recipes. I hope to visit them soon again at Epi’s Restaurant in Meridien.


& now for the sake of keeping record, this is the list of what I did:
Wednesday March 23 :
Idaho’s Forgotten War : great doc about the Kootenay people. In 1974, tribe leader Amy Trice declares & wins war on the United States government to save her people. Then stayed on for the screenings of FunnelSMOKE + Q&ACarbon + Q&A

Thursday March 24
Filmfort :

Outstanding  afternoon of screenings. Different genres but totally inspiring works & Q&A
A Band Called Death  Q&A + Skype discussion with filmmakers
Everyone in Between
The last two docs must be shown widely to get great insights & understanding of the —hopefully soon to be dead— gender labelizations.
Wolvserpent, Mamiffer, Chelsea Wolve (the last one was my favorite)

Friday March 25
Grains in the Gem State :  Panel about new grains being grown in Idaho, Teff being one of them (can’t wait to try KIBROM’S, the local Ethiopian & Eritrean restaurant.) 
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Naked Giants: Very talented & very young boys band from Seattle that really cracked me up —felt very nostalgic for the Skinnybones years! (Jake Williams & our son Miles Joris-Peyrafitte band from a few years back)

Janis: Little Girl Blue (which Pierre, the old hippie, liked more than I did.)

Saturday Mach 26

Eileen Myles:  loved the activating & sharp reading & Q&A.
MixedFort: (I made that one up!)
Basque Lamb & Bands: see Burning Lamb & Bands
Would have liked to hear CocoRosie but was sold out.
So back to more of the Naked Giants, followed by Dude York featuring — what I liked best about the band, bassist/vocalist Claire England.
Sunday March 27
As soon as I post this I will be heading to Paige Ackerson-Keely, Kerri Webster & Janet Holmes readings & then back on track to teach tomorrow!

Merci Les Bois!

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