Happy 2020 & more!

Happy 2020 & more!

Pastels on Canvas 52×24 — Fall 2019
Thank you Guillermo Gregorio for the permission to use this beautiful music
Rodchenko : Suite Part Two (1999) Album Faktura (released 2002 by hat Art/Hat Hut Records, Switzerland)


Pierre is finishing up several books for 2020 publications and gearing up for many upcoming trips & I locked myself into my studio making new paintings for upcoming exhibitions.
2020 is going to be very busy and we’re already scheduling 2021. See below for details & snapshots from 2019, but first a few dates to save:


Sunday January 19,  2 PM – 8 PM:
Steve Dalachinsky Memorial
Artist Space
11 Cortland Alley, New York
Event details here

Saturday January 25,  7:00PM:
Poetry Reading, The Gallery at Atlas
11 Spring Street, Newburgh, NY 12550

Sunday February 2,  4:00PM:
Trialogues performance with Mike Bisio (bass)
The Lace Mill
500 Frank Sottile Blvd
Kingston NY 12401

Saturday February 8
Torn Page Presents
A Staged Reading of  “The Agony of Ingeborg B” 
play by Pierre Joris & directed by Vera Beren
435 West 22nd Street/ New York NY 10011
doors 730pm /reading 8pm

February 21
Spiritual Exercises: Robert Kelly’s Science of Becoming Aware
Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM  Room: Humanities  219

February 26-29
Thursday 27:   1.p.m.:  Conversation with Adonis, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
Friday 28:        1.p.m.: PJ in conversation with André Velter
                        8:30- 10 p.m. Celebratory Readings for Adonis

March 2-8

“The 11 Women of Spirit” Salon Zürcher 21st Edition
Opening: March 2, 2020, 6-8 PM
open Tuesday, March 3 to Saturday, March 7, from 12 – 8 PM 
Sunday, March 8 from 12 – 7 PM
Closing Party: Sunday March 8, 5 – 7 PM
33 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012


Friday May 1
Celebration reading by & party for Robert Kelly on the occasion of the publication of “A City Full of Voices: Essays on the Work of Robert Kelly” (Contra Mundum Press).
The Poetry Project / St. Mark’s Church
131 E. 10th Street, New York, NY 10003

March 5-7
Rice University, Houston TX,
Paul Celan Conference — Keynote Speaker

June 7
Kings College, University of London
Jerome Rothenberg & Eric Mottram celebration

June 11-12
University of Chicago Center Paris
Keynote at Conference “Courts-circuits et visions disjonctées : œuvre et réseaux de Claude Pélieu/ Short-circuits and Fused Visions: The Works and Networks of Claude Pélieu”.

October 2-3
Celebrating Celan at 100: Witnessing for the Witness.
Conference at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson

November 16, 6 p.m.
Celan at 100: Early Poetry & Posthumous Prose Books
Pierre Joris & Paul Auster
Deutsches Haus, NYU

Given that 2020 will be the 100th birth- & the 50th death-year of Paul Celan, there will no doubt be a number of other events around his life & work in which Pierre will partake. His final two Celan translations are coming out in summer & fall of this year: “Microliths  they are, Little Stones” (Posthumous prose) from Contra Mundum Press & “Memory Rose into Threshold Speech: The Collected Earlier Poetry” from Farrar Strauss & Giroux.
& to RUSH even further ahead & then right back to SUM UP the year ending now:

February  2021
Galerie Simoncini, Luxembourg
Multi-floor Karstic Action exhibition, action-paintings, cooking & readings.

Notes from the Domopoetics studio:

So, some of our intense 2019 activity — such as the October/November visit to the prehistoric caves & overhangs of the Dordogne and, majorly, the 5-day internship at the Gargas caves in the Pyrenees, close to where Nicole was born & raised — was specifically undertaken as r&r (no, not rest & recuperation: reconnaissance & research) for the upcoming Karstic Action show.  

Those 2 weeks came after a first stop in Paris (& a 3-day trip to the Frankfurt book fair by Pierre) & continued with a week in our place in Bourg d’Oueil (r&r? no: family visits, & first tentative steps at making clay pots that may or may not become the food vessels for the 2021 actions) followed by 8 days that were supposed to be quiet, meditative (r&r? finally!) days in Venice with a yoga workshop, visits to galleries, churches & the Biennale. Except of course that we arrived as the Acqua Altas equinox tide flooded 90% of the city, the worst in 1/2 century, so that we also spent a fair amount in r&r (recon & research) to find, first rubber boots and then open food stores. Still, an intense time was had, too much to report here, though mention must be made of what was one of our favorites pieces at the Biennale: Lawrence Abu Hamdan’s (recipient of the 2019 Turner Prize) single channel video installation “Walled Unwalled” — for which, as it turned out, son Joseph was the colorist.

We returned to Brooklyn to the happy news that Joseph — as producer, this time — and Cameroon-American film-maker Ellie Foumbi’s feature project “Mon père, le diable” had been selected for funding in the 2019/2020 edition of the Venice Biennale College! Hopefully no one will need rubber boots for the film’s premiere scheduled for the Mostra de Venice end of August 2020!

Miles has been just as busy this year, with his second feature, “Dreamland” — starring (and co-produced by) Margot Robbie — premiering to very good reviews at the Tribeca Film Festival in April. This fall “Gaslight” a mystery story produced by QCODE & written & directed by Miles aired to excellent response. You can check it our here. He has meanwhile also written a new horror-thriller film script — “The Hunter and the Fox” — for Annapurna Pictures & is at one of the many (& somewhat confusing to us) pre-production stages as he will also direct this film. 

In resistance and persistence forward into the new decade. Stay strong, keep your spirits up and do keep in touch,

Nicole & Pierre

2019 snapshots


Low Glycemic Dunch Deluxe

Low Glycemic Dunch Deluxe


I am getting the hang of cooking low glycemic index meals —more on that coming up, since it will be the focus of my cooking for a few months. The menu featured today is my best so far. It happens to be vegetarian but I can assure you that it will satisfy even the staunchest meat eater. The delicate flavors & the filling qualities provide total satisfaction.


Fragrant Chickpeas, Veggie & Shitake Stew & Turmeric Slaw

Sauté 1/2 onion finely chopped in organic Olive Oil
add the following chopped vegetables:
2 leeks
2 celery ribs w/ tops
1 red bell pepper
2 Jerusalem artichokes
1 cup of shitake mushrooms
2 cloves of grated garlic
1 bunch of fresh coriander
1 1/2 cup of soaked & pre-cooked chickpeas (soaked over night, boiled once and let sit for one hour before use in stew)

Turmeric Slaw


If you have read the previous post you know that I have beautiful turmeric from Hawaï. This coleslaw recipe is a low glycemic slaw variation that work quite beautifully with the Fragrant Chickpea Veggie & Shitake Stew.  It is only slightly different than the one featured in Passion Cabbage.

Finely chopped green cabbage/onion/celery/fennel bulb/ cilantro/
Fresh grated ginger / turmeric /1 clove of garlic
juice of 1 Mayer lemon
soy sauce
mostly sesame oil
a little olive oil
flax seeds

Tamarind Tofu Pudding with Minty Blueberry Purée

Finally a tofu pudding that is really good! I have been trying for months & at last here is one worth sharing. First I made tamarind paste with wet seedless (not totally!) tamarind. Tamarind doesn’t have a super low glycemic index but first, little is used & second, it is supposed to be very good for the liver. The process is a little tedious but worth the effort since it can be used in many other dishes —e.i: simply add to goat milk yogurt, morning cereals or to make the famous Pad Thai.

Tamarind paste process:
Soak one 14oz package in equal amount of warm water. Let it sit for a few hours. Once rehydrated work it with your hands to remove veins & seeds. Blend in food processor until smooth; keep in a glass jar in the fridge. For our purpose you will need only one or two tablespoons.

Put the desired amount of tamarind in a small pan, add a little water, heat to medium heat & add 1/2 package of plain gelatine; let it sit.
Meanwhile, in the food processor add:
1 package of organic silken tofu (1lb)
1 sunlime juice (this is a new kind of lemon that appeared at the ParkSlope foodcoop, if you don’t find it mix lemon & lime juice . The sunlime looks and tastes like an hybrid of the 2)
Freshly ground  cinnamon & nutmeg
Few drops of stevia (careful — too much gives it a terrible taste)
Add the tamarind mixture to the tofu mixture and blend thoroughly.
Pour in glass ramequin & let it set in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Serve with fresh blueberry mint puree (blend fresh blueberry & fresh mint in food processor, strain and pour over the set pudding)


Bon appetit & keep healthy!

Fire at the FireHouse

Fire at the FireHouse

Here are some videos of our gig on Saturday September 15th. I had a magnificent time diving whole-heartedly into impro-land with master double bassists Michael Bisio & Ken Filiano. They had set high standards with a very inspiring first set. After the break  we did three pieces with my visuals:


DRAGON LAND BAKERY & RIDE THE LINE / CHEVAUCHER LE TRAIT —both featured on my CD:  “La Garbure Transcontinentale / The Bi-continental Chowder  —  for which Firehouse artistic director Sandra Sprecher joined in & added relevance on piano.  RIDE THE LINE / CHEVAUCHER LE TRAIT just came out in an anthology edited by Erika Lutzner: Some Stories Are True That Never HappenedYou will get a chance to set it live again at the book party on January 5th  at Modca 103 N 3rd street, Brooklyn.

We closed with PINKONOCLASTIC, a piece that literally whisks to emulsion: icons, politics & La Vie en Rose. To help us reflect on these complicated issues, we had the great honor to have the magnificent Grande Dame piano improvisor Connie Crothers  joining us. Then we hung out most pleasurably eating the mean black bean chili, the corn bread, the pescajos & the stage -vanilla flavored- whipped cream (see video 3). Truly “thank you” for playing, for being there — & also thank you Pierre Joris for filming & Françoise Bevy for the still photos!

Beignets for you!

Beignets for you!


These delicious little pyrenean beignets (pescajous) are for you!
YES! COME TOMORROW night (Sat December 15)
The Firehouse Space — 246 Frost St. Brooklyn, NY 11211  (Williamsburg)
A STEAL or better: a Christmas present to you!
for $10 you get:
8PM – The most sought after bass players in the world in a DUO: Michael Bisio & Ken Filiano
9:30PM – Filiano/Bisio/Peyrafitte with voice & video & food!
Ingredients courtesy of Sandra at Firehouse & cooking by yours truly! ( & I’ve been at it all day & the chili smells mighty good)

Ken Filiano : Critics have called him a “creative virtuoso,” a “master of technique” . . . “a paradigm of that type of artist. . . who can play anything in any context and make it work, simply because he puts the music first and leaves peripheral considerations behind.”

Michael Bisio : “His personality, his technique, his skills are all there, but fully in the service of the music, real music then, with a depth that transcends the physical aspect of sound : it is so full of deep “human-ness”. An absolute joy to hear, … ” Stef Gijssels
“His Playing appears to be produced by sorcery.” Frank Rubolino Cadence Magazine